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June 2024

News / Resources for Families / Resources for Seniors

We know music is good for the soul, but did you know it’s also good for the mind?

Studies show that music brings our senses to life and stimulates many parts of the brain at the same time, including those that affect language, mood and movement. Through research at the University of California, Davis, experts have even pinpointed the region of the brain which stores memories by linking them to familiar songs and the emotions associated with those memories.

“We’ve seen the reaction from our own family members as well as clients who have some form of dementia – a visible change often takes place when they hear music,” said Austin Blilie, Chief Operating Officer at Trail Ridge Home Care’s parent organization, ABHM. “If they hear a familiar song, they might sing, dance or clap their hands. It makes them happy and, in many cases, it can lessen aggressive behavior.” Continue reading The Benefits of Music Therapy

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Resources for Families / Resources for Seniors

Are you feeling overwhelmed or worried?

Have you lost interest in activities you used to enjoy?

Are you sleeping too much or too little?

“Caring for an aging loved one can be incredibly rewarding, but it can also be very challenging – especially if your loved one has dementia,” said Austin Blilie, Chief Operating Officer at Trail Ridge Home Care’s parent organization, ABHM. “When you’re taking care of someone else, it’s easy to forget about your own health and wellbeing – but neglecting your own needs could lead to caregiver burnout.” Continue reading 10 Signs of Caregiver Burnout

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Resources for Families / Resources for Seniors

Your aging mom is failing. She doesn’t need skilled nursing or assisted living yet – just a little help with things like light housekeeping, meal prep and getting in and out of the shower. You’ve heard a lady from your mom’s church sometimes works as an independent caregiver, but is that the best option?

“Private caregivers make up what we call the ‘gray market’ – providers who are unrelated to the client, not working for a regulated agency and potentially uninsured  and untrained,” said Austin Blilie, Chief Operating Officer at Trail Ridge Home Care’s parent organization, ABHM. “While hiring one of these independent caregivers might seem like a good idea, families should be aware of the risks.” Continue reading Choosing the Right Caregiver

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Resources for Families / Resources for Seniors

If you’re caring for someone who has Alzheimer’s or a related dementia, you know that encouraging them to eat nutritious meals can be a daily challenge – especially during the middle and late stages of the disease.

“We work with many families who are experiencing this challenge,” said Austin Blilie, Chief Operating Officer at Trail Ridge Home Care’s parent organization, ABHM. “Refusal to eat can be caused by a number of things – there could be a medical condition, they may not recognize that food is something to eat, they may have lost the sense of hunger and thirst or they might get distracted at mealtime. Whatever the reason, it’s important to find ways to ensure they get the nutrition they need.”

To make mealtimes easier, Blilie suggest that you: Continue reading Ten Tips to Make Mealtimes Easier for People with Dementia

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