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July 2024

Resources for Families / Resources for Seniors

During a recent visit with your mom, you noticed that she let others do the cooking – which is unusual, because she’s always loved preparing family meals.

Has she lost interest?

Is she having trouble remembering or reading the recipes?

Is arthritis limiting her ability to pick up heavy pots and pans?

What does she do when others aren’t there to help? Are her meals healthy or just convenient?

“There could be many factors at play”” said Austin Blilie, Chief Operating Officer at Trail Ridge Home Care’s parent organization, ABHM.   “We know that, for some of our clients, cooking just isn’t fun anymore – especially if they live alone and are just cooking for themselves. For others, limited mobility, cognitive decline and worsening vision can make it more difficult to put a healthy meal on the table and clean up afterward.”

Advanced meal preparation is one way to make mealtime easier for aging loved ones and their caregivers. It also promotes healthy eating habits and reduces the amount of wasted food.

Here are a few tips to make meal prep easier. Continue reading Meal Prep Made Easy

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Resources for Families / Resources for Seniors

“I thought he was having a stroke.”

That’s how Debbie Hilt, a consultant with the Trail Ridge Home Care’s partner HomeCare Advocacy Network (HCAN) describes her 95-year-old dad’s scary bout with dehydration.

“I called to check in and noticed right away that he wasn’t himself,” Hilt said. “He was very confused and slurring his words, so I immediately hung up and called 9-1-1. After an ambulance ride and lot of tests, doctors determined that he was dehydrated.”

According to the National Council on Aging, older people are at a greater risk for dehydration, because they naturally have a lower volume of water in their bodies. Chronic medical conditions and some medications may also increase the risk. Continue reading Drink Up: The Importance of Hydration

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