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Resources for Families / Resources for Seniors

Your aging mom is failing. She doesn’t need skilled nursing or assisted living yet – just a little help with things like light housekeeping, meal prep and getting in and out of the shower. You’ve heard a lady from your mom’s church sometimes works as an independent caregiver, but is that the best option?

“Private caregivers make up what we call the ‘gray market’ – providers who are unrelated to the client, not working for a regulated agency and potentially uninsured  and untrained,” said Austin Blilie, Chief Operating Officer at Trail Ridge Home Care’s parent organization, ABHM. “While hiring one of these independent caregivers might seem like a good idea, families should be aware of the risks.” Continue reading Choosing the Right Caregiver

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Resources for Families / Resources for Seniors

If you’re caring for someone who has Alzheimer’s or a related dementia, you know that encouraging them to eat nutritious meals can be a daily challenge – especially during the middle and late stages of the disease.

“We work with many families who are experiencing this challenge,” said Austin Blilie, Chief Operating Officer at Trail Ridge Home Care’s parent organization, ABHM. “Refusal to eat can be caused by a number of things – there could be a medical condition, they may not recognize that food is something to eat, they may have lost the sense of hunger and thirst or they might get distracted at mealtime. Whatever the reason, it’s important to find ways to ensure they get the nutrition they need.”

To make mealtimes easier, Blilie suggest that you: Continue reading Ten Tips to Make Mealtimes Easier for People with Dementia

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Resources for Families / Resources for Seniors

Are aging loved ones traveling with you on this summer’s family vacation?

While it’s a wonderful opportunity for quality family time, traveling with older loved ones can be challenging, especially if they have Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia.

“Lots of great memories are made on summer vacations, so it’s wonderful when grandma and grandpa are able to travel with the rest of the family,” said Austin Blilie, Chief Operating Officer at Trail Ridge Home Care’s parent organization, ABHM. “If your senior has health issues, limited mobility or dementia, travel may be challenging – but it’s not impossible. Taking a few extra steps before you hit the road can help you avoid potential problems”

When traveling with senior loved ones who have dementia, Blilie recommends that you: Continue reading Travel Tips for People Who Have Dementia

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News / Resources for Families / Resources for Seniors

Your mom seems to have trouble focusing while reading or watching her favorite television program.

Does she simply need new glasses or could it be something more serious?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 3 million Americans have some form of glaucoma – a group of diseases that damage the eye’s optic nerve. When left untreated, it can cause vision loss and even blindness. Continue reading Understanding Glaucoma

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Resources for Families / Resources for Seniors

If you’re caring for someone who has dementia, you know that they often need help completing, what used to be, simple tasks.

“Many of us at the Trail Ridge Home Care have personal experience with dementia, so we understand many of the challenges that come with the disease,” said Austin Blilie, Chief Operating Officer at Trail Ridges Home Care’s parent organization, ABHM. “While most people with early-stage dementia can continue to live independently, we know that daily tasks will eventually become more difficult. However, with a few simple tools, life can be easier for everyone.”

Blilie recommends: Continue reading Tools That Can Make Life Easier for People Who Have Dementia

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News / Resources for Families / Resources for Seniors

Did you know stroke is the third leading cause of death among women and kills more women than men?

Surprised? If so, you’re not alone. Many women are not aware of their risk or the fact that symptoms can present differently in women.

“In recognition of American Stroke Month, we’re joining with other organizations across the country to raise awareness about symptoms and prevention,” said Austin Blilie, Chief Operating Officer at Trail Ridge Home Care’s parent organization, ABHM.

“Knowing the facts about stroke can help women take steps to protect their health and, if needed, seek treatment.” Continue reading Women and Stroke – What You Need to Know

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News / Resources for Families / Resources for Seniors

When it comes to healthy aging, a little exercise goes a long way – especially when it comes to Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.

Experts with the Alzheimer’s Society, analyzed data from 16 studies into exercise and dementia. They found that regular exercise can reduce the risk of developing dementia by about 28%. For Alzheimer’s disease specifically, the risk was reduced by 45%.

“This kind of research is very important” said Austin Blilie, Chief Operating Officer at Trail Ridge Home Care’s parent organization, ABHM.  “We’re hopeful that one day there will be a cure for dementia, but until then we need to do whatever we can to prevent it.” Continue reading Physical Exercise and Cognitive Decline

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Resources for Families / Resources for Seniors

I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!

Do you remember that commercial? At the time, wearable medical alert systems, like those featured in those memorable ads, were really the only technologies available to help seniors age safely in their homes.

Not anymore.

 Today, there are many new gadgets and technologies that simplify daily activities and help keep seniors safe at home. Here are some of our favorites:

Continue reading Ten Tech Gadgets That Can Help Seniors Age in Place

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Resources for Families / Resources for Seniors

If you’re caring for someone who has dementia, you know that every day brings unique, unpredictable challenges.

“Many of us at the Trail Ridge Home Care have personal experience with dementia, so we understand many of the challenges that come with the disease. The unpredictable behaviors can try the patience of even the most devoted family members and friends,” said Austin Blilie, Chief Operating Officer at Trail Ridge Home Care’s parent organization, ABHM. “However, with the right approach and support, caring for someone who has dementia can also be very rewarding.”

Blilie said these simple tips can help caregivers make the most of the good days and make it through the challenging ones. Continue reading Tips to Help Overcome Dementia Challenges

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News / Resources for Families / Resources for Seniors

Whether it’s tending a large vegetable plot, working in a community garden or planting a few potted pansies, gardening can do wonders for a senior’s overall health and well-being.

“For many seniors, gardening is much more than a hobby. Being outdoors and digging in the dirt is a great way for seniors to improve their physical and emotional health,” said Austin Blilie, Chief Operating Officer at Tudor Oaks Home Care’s parent organization, ABHM. “With a little help, even seniors with limited space, mobility issues or other aging challenges can enjoy the benefits of gardening.”

Here are ten ways your aging loved ones can benefit from gardening: Continue reading Ten Benefits of Gardening

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