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Resources for Families

Resources for Families / Resources for Seniors

As winter turns to spring, we start worrying less about ice and snow and more about severe weather.

“Whether it’s damaging thunderstorms, flash flooding, or tornadoes, it’s important to prepare for whatever Mother Nature throws at us – especially if you have aging loved ones,” said Sierra Goetz, co-founder and operations manager at the HomeCare Advocacy Network (HCAN). “Many seniors don’t move as quickly as they used to, because of physical limitations or memory issues. That’s why it’s important for families to take a few extra steps to help their aging loved ones prepare for severe weather – especially if they live alone,”

Continue reading Weathering the Storm – Helping Your Senior Stay Safe in Severe Weather

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Resources for Families

Are you feeling overwhelmed or worried?

Have you lost interest in activities you used to enjoy?

Are you sleeping too much or too little?

“Caring for an aging loved one can be incredibly rewarding, but it can also be very challenging,” said Sierra Goetz, co-founder and operations manager at the HomeCare Advocacy Network (HCAN). “When you’re taking care of someone else, it’s easy to forget about your own health and wellbeing. Neglecting your own needs could lead to caregiver burnout.”

Continue reading Do You Have Caregiver Burnout?

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Resources for Families / Resources for Seniors

It’s one of the hardest things older people have to do – give up their car keys.

“It’s one of the most difficult discussions that families will have with senior loved ones because they equate driving with independence,” said Mark Goetz, co-founder, and president of the HomeCare Advocacy Network (HCAN). “There is no magic number – no set age when people should stop driving. However, we know that many seniors drive, on average, seven to ten years longer than they probably should.” Continue reading When Should Your Senior Loved One Stop Driving?

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